Monday, May 26, 2014

Mop Philosophy Monday

 I found new clothes pins for my outdoor laundry line.  Did you ever paint these oldie time pins to transform them into little dolls?  That sort of craft takes more patience than I have but the end result can be darling.
I had some friends around for drinks and sandwiches last week.  It's the easiest way to entertain and here's my thinking: you can't just invite friends around for drinks, they are hungry and stay into the dinner hour anyway.  Yet serving a proper dinner often causes crying in the kitchen, so much work and so stressful for the hostess...
Setting out sandwich fixings is dead easy and everyone eats properly, though casually.

The Returning Hospitality Issue
The other problem with inviting folks around for a proper sit-down dinner is the unmentionable outcome: often this hospitality isn't returned.  Have you noticed this?  Are the times a-changing because  I always thought a dinner invite meant one in return... thoughts?  Observations?  How is this dealt with in your social group?
Gingham napkins and Spode placemats for Drinks and Sandwiches.
 I bought some bourbon but I haven't opened it yet.  I'm not a liquor drinker though I like the idea of it, so ruined-handsome-Don Draper-ish.
 The weather around here has been gorgeous.  Witness the setting sun on the night of my daughter's birthday:
 How do you like this gift wrap arrangement?
 Don't forget!  We discuss The Razor's Edge this weekend.  Our book club typically commences on the Saturday morning but this week I'm planning to post the club up on Friday afternoon.
I loved reading it again so much, I actually had to slow myself down.
I did however watch the Bill Murray movie version of the book and I was very unimpressed... we can talk about that during our book club discussion.
I hope your week is off to an excellent start and please weigh in on this whole Returning Hospitality issue, I find it somewhat vexing.