Young Rascal here. I haven't seen you guys in a while! I fell loose of my every other day posts I've been trying to complete- I'll have to repay you with one astonishing, jaw-dropping amazing post.
While the day is still ripe in North America, and it's hardily began in Australia, over here we are among the colder hours of the night- and since our day of activities has long since been fed, I have some time to sit back, relax, and reflect on the most amazing week we've had.
It's been filled with picnics with sheep, even in the clouds, money-growing trees, and my dear friend the stinging nettle. What an incredible journey this trip has been so far- and it's barely begun. As we pass the one third marker of our vacation, these are the memories engraved in my mind. What memories they are.
In Ferris Bueller's words "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Sometimes one must stand back and soak it all in. I like to close my eyes and let the good memories rebuild my character- let them be a part in defining who I am. I let the bad memories make me stronger, braver- I just try not to let them define me.
That's what I am doing, although this vacation has been mostly good (99.9% good, Stinging Nettles take away 00.1%, although having a good laugh about my bad luck was 0.1% good, and nothing bad, so it all evens out in the end). One of my favourite ways of remembering is looking at old photos, and I thought maybe I'd end off this post with a few never before seen photo's of the BP's vacation- part one.
Waterfalls in the Yorkshire Dales |
The Fences That Divide Plots Of Land |
A Beautiful Swamp |
Curous sheep |
A Gentle Stream And An Old Barn |
Ancient Ruins With A Beautiful Back Drop |