Tuesday, February 27, 2018


 Twenty-five years ago this morning I was in a long labour in a hospital in St. John's, Newfoundland about to give birth to my first baby.
I was twenty-two years old and not a little scared.
There were a few frightening moments to the labour process but finally at about four in the morning my healthy baby boy was born, nine pounds and the most beautiful face I'd ever seen.

One memory that is so clear to me is waking up a couple of hours later, the sun had risen and it was the most gorgeous, brilliant day (kind of a rare thing in St. John's) and I felt a complete sense of absolute joy.  The clarity of that moment, I'll never forget it!

Ole Rascal was a darling, bouncy baby and my memories of those first months are completely vivid, he was my first baby and he was my world.  I struggled a bit with nursing but after many phone conferences with my Aunt Deb in Toronto I had it mastered.  I learned to master all of the care and the vigilance a mother needs.
Age two.

Third birthday.

Eight years old.
 Ole Rascal was always contemplative (even as a baby) and he's grown up into a somewhat serious young man.  He works hard and enjoys a challenge.  We love spending time with him and when I look at him I still see the baby who was all mine.
Eleventh birthday ski trip in the mountains.
Happy Birthday Ole Rascal!

If you feel like sharing a baby memory I'd love to read it.