Well, here we are in March of 2021, and while I haven't posted since last July it seems that in some ways we have all been standing still, yet it has also been a year of tremendous change.
Standing still, or caught in the headlights? The latter I should think, as we continue to grapple with the pandemic and the massive effect it has had on the world.
It is not an accident that I stopped posting in July of last year: by August 5th I was in hospital, not with Covid19 but with appendicitis. I delayed going to the emergency (Covid anxieties) and was in quite dire circumstances by the time I did go (not recommended).
While recovering from my illness and subsequent surgery I formulated a plan to completely overhaul the kitchen here at our stone house. It was just the obsessive project that I needed, and the planning came to fruition these last three months. You can see the end result above, and with any luck I can get this blog active again and publish some posts on the process.
I designed the kitchen myself and used some very specific methods to do so. The end result is a highly functional and personalized kitchen, I would love to share my thoughts and ideas with you and read your own views on kitchen design.
Was this your year of the sweatpants look? Not for me, I discovered that staying home is the perfect opportunity to wear a gown and heels. I have had so many fashion posts swirling around my brain, I would love to get back to that subject!
I hope that you have been keeping well in both mind and body.