Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Royal Baby

 I don't know about you but I go crazy for babies.  My own babies were so cute and cuddly with chubby legs and even temperaments.  They were all born a fair size, between 8 and 9.5 lbs, and they quickly gained weight as I was fortunate to be able to nurse them without any trouble.  They grew so incredibly fast, and I loved buying their clothes, washing them, folding them... the whole thing.  I remember exactly the feeling of holding them in their soft little sleepers, wrapped in flannel nursing blankets.

I often look at photos of my babies and I adore other babies as well, just seeing a baby on the street or in a shop really makes my day.  So of course I'm looking forward to the Royal Baby!  

 Brora is also looking forward to the arrival and they have a whole section devoted to Pieces For A Royal Baby.  They are the most darling items on a cute-as-cute baby model, have a look right here.

Baby Booties!
My own babies wore similar knitted booties, so cozy.

Little soft baby pants.

Are you crazy for babies?