Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday With Scout

 Scout has been a member of the BP family for two weeks and she has captured our hearts.  So much has happened!  She has adapted very well to the crate-training and the house training.  She has had only three accidents, they were in the first week and all due to some kind of commotion like people "dropping by" and distracting us.  Oh and one unfortunate incident in which I was dealing with this really annoying guy from the furnace-cleaning place who was trying to up-sell me on all kinds of stupidity.
We went into this knowing that if an accident happened it would be our fault... we need to watch the signs and supervise constantly.  If Scout isn't in the kitchen with me she is in her crate, and if we bring her into the living room or family room we attach her to us: the "umbilical cord method".
 Yesterday Scout had her first visit to her veterinarian... I am proud to report that she was a big star.  She was nervous for about a minute and then she calmed down and dealt with everything quite gracefully.
 You can see she is getting bigger... in fact she is going to be a large dog, bigger than a golden retriever.  She loves to be outdoors and is very interested in other dogs, people and strangely enough cars and trucks.  We'll have to keep a close eye on this car-and-truck business!
She is teething like the dickens and loves to chew on the wooden security gates which keep her in the kitchen with me:
Of course she also enjoys staring longingly at the persian rugs just beyond... there's lots of good chewing in that fringe!
I hope you have a lovely Sunday, well you know what I'll be doing...