Thursday, March 19, 2020

Staying In

 We are now on day six of isolating ourselves after recent travel, and though at one point yesterday I asked someone "what day is it?'', for the most part we are anxiety-free and not finding this time stressful.

While things are going relatively well I think it's important to remain calm, we might need strength and courage in the coming weeks and months.  It's best to keep it in reserve.

I've been using my time to clean and organize, especially in the kitchen (as always, the economic engine of the home).
I like to listen to a podcast (my favourites are The Daily, The Argument, and Pod Save America, how about you?) while I scrub and clean.

I read the New York Times for news and I watch the CBC, our national public broadcaster, at different times throughout the day.  Never have I been more grateful for the CBC.   The reporting is free of hysteria, we are given the facts and are privy to the daily announcements and press conferences given by our Prime Minister and cabinet, and we have news from across the country, every province and territory.

Bunny Spoon Rest by Polish Pottery
I've been checking in every day with my father in Atlanta, he is feeling "terrific" and apart from going to Walgreens for his medications has been staying in.  For a guy who likes to stay busy at his job, he is doing pretty well!
Our biggest source of anxiety is that we cannot visit my father-in-law, who is in a care home recovering from very serious pneumonia and a blood infection.  This is a difficult time for our elderly, loneliness is a big concern.  Daily phone calls and FaceTime seem to help with this, but if an older person has dementia those communication methods may not be of much use.

Pasta Soup: Now is not the time to limit carbs.
MrBP has his employees working from home, the result of which being that he has his office to himself.  This works out perfectly for us because our oldest daughter is staying with us, working remotely at her job of transcribing court proceedings and police interrogations.  As you can imagine this work is certainly not for the faint of heart!  Middle Rascal has always worked hard and self-identifies as The Blonde Tank: don't be fooled by her petite blonde looks, she's a tough one ;)
Busily working away in the Dining Room
Which are now referred to as Blonde Tank Headquarters

 Ole Rascal is busy building something really exciting in the field of AI Medicine, and is isolated away in his Toronto condo.  With his girlfriend working there with him we don't worry about loneliness.

Lil' Rascal has had school suspended for many weeks, and as it is her graduation year that causes some anxiety.  Will this get in the way of the class of 2020 graduating?  As I pointed out to her, they're all in the same boat, something will have to be figured out.  She's already accepted a college offer, so there's that at least.  Isn't it a little chilling that these 2002 babies, many of them in utero or conceived during the fraught times of 9/11, are now graduating in a pandemic?

I wonder for how many weeks or months this will continue?

Our government response has been very calm and reassuring, and my only advice to anyone would be to do what your Public Health authority and your government is telling you to do.  This is certainly a time to trust science, doctors, and experts.
If you know someone who is medically vulnerable due to age or underlying health issues, don't visit them in person, which could potentially bring them germs you may not know you have.  A phone call works perfectly. My attitude is, why take the risk?

Not Fazed
Scout is a beacon of calm as usual, and seems delighted by the fact that there are more people around during the day.
I hope you are feeling well and that you are not experiencing anxiety.  I hope that wherever you are you feel that your government is doing a good job for you.  Please share any thoughts in the comments, I'd love to know how you are.
Take Care,