Friday, October 11, 2013

Men In Tweed Jackets

 Sometimes when I'm walking down the street and I notice a schleppy guy, thirties or forties, kind of meandering along, I have a real strong urge to have a little talk with him.  It would go like this: "Sonny, pull up your pants, straighten your spine and get yourself a good tweed jacket.  You'll feel so much better!"
Do you ever think that if you were in charge that things, just generally, would be much, much better?

Well I would put every man in a good tweed jacket.  So handsome!  I mean, it seems like a no-brainer to me.  Wear it over anything and you will instantly look like... the man you want to look like.
MrBP wanted you to see a tweedy detail.
 Here we have Mr. BP modelling his new Harris Tweed Jacket from Brora (if you click to the link you can read my review).
He has worn this jacket non-stop since I gave it to him.  Not in the courtroom obviously but for other meetings, weekend walks, dinners out... it's so handsome on him and the colours are really flattering to his skin tone and hair colour (which is a dark brown turning handsome-ish silver).
I'm a fan of MrBP... and his jacket.  Who else is for putting all men in tweed jackets?
Have an excellent weekend Darlings,