Tuesday, November 28, 2017

White Noise

 Last night at book club we discussed White Noise by Don DeLillo. Such a strange, darkly funny read! Interesting too to discuss themes of "consumerism as life" in modern America on Cyber Monday.  I recommend, four out of five stars.

So exciting to have my friends over to discuss our book and everything else on a Monday evening.  I went in for some calorie-dense snacks:
I bought some chocolate almond truffle things, threw out some olives and apricots and whipped up this really yummy vegan walnut pate in the food processor:
Raw Food Walnut and Herb Pate Recipe
I varied mine slightly, using fresh basil instead of rosemary, and omitting the Nama Shoyu (which I would typically substitute soy sauce for... but I tried that the last time I made this and even I found it too salty).

I can't say I did any Cyber Monday shopping, well not online at any rate.  I did buy some perfume for my daughters for Christmas, only because I was at the drug store buying shampoo anyway.  I do try to get my Christmas presents all purchased and wrapped before December 1st though, and I'm nearly there.  Once I get that out of the way I can concentrate on more urgent tasks, like baking Piggy Cookies!

Today it's meant to be in the 50's here and sunny! I can't believe it, such warm weather for this time of year.  I'll be going for a long walk with Scout after I attend yoga class with two of my friends.  I wonder if I'll fall down while trying to maintain Warrior Pose... it's highly possible.

Have a lovely day and try to stay upright,